
This Copyright section forms part of the Terms & Conditions and therefore the terms on which we provide and allow access to this website. All the Content of this website is the property of EAD and is protected by copyright. EAD reserves all copyright, trademark, patent, intellectual and other property rights of the information contained in this website. Any unauthorized use, reproduction or printing of the information, materials and proprietary rights contained in this website is strictly prohibited.

1. Intellectual Property Rights
  • EAD, our service providers, our consultants, or third parties who have granted us permission to reproduce their material on this website, own all trademarks, copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the Content on this website.
  • The Content shall not be used for any commercial purposes, including but not limited to, selling, distributing, or republishing the Content.
  • Unless otherwise stated, all Intellectual Property Rights (including trademarks and copyrights) found on this website are either owned, controlled, or licensed by [to] EAD. As such, the act of consolidation and arrangement of all Content is the sole property of EAD and is protected by copyright laws.
  • EAD retains all Intellectual Property Rights in all Content. The names, trademarks, and logos found on the website and in the materials therein are owned and licensed for EAD, unless otherwise stated. The use of these trademarks is prohibited without permission from EAD